Mariana has been working as a voluntary Football and Basketball coach for three years. The 22-year-old Brazilian currently studies sports management, it’s her first time to be so far from home. “I am so glad this course has been part of my life”, she emphasizes during the final joint training session on the football pitch of the Sports Science Faculty campus. Together with Yamuna and Brian Umony – a former professional football player from Uganda – they once more practice how to precisely play headers. “I’ve learnt a lot on didactics, on handling my six-year-old to eight-year-old football kids, but I also acquired tactical tricks for myself as a player”, says 26-year-old Yamuna, who studied physical education in Sri Lanka.
“Leaving the comfort zone” – an adventure for young coaches
“Our course is a big step, an adventure to those people, who come to Leipzig. They have to leave their comfort zones back home”, reports Sandra Penkalla. She is in charge of courses in English within ITK and had accompanied the young students for four months as their interpreter. Prior to that, application files were perused, the applicants’ mastery of English was checked and together with the senior lecturer for football, Johannes Litwinow, a decision was taken, whom to nominate for the course. The coaches did not only spend their time together during classes, but also jointly spent their leisure time. “The interaction of different cultures leaves a mark. People from different countries come together in Leipzig and feel connected through sports," attests the interpreter. The course programme includes theory and practice of the respective type of sport, sports medicine, training science and didactics, as well as work-shadowing during training sessions at local clubs and visits of sporting events, such as watching a RB Leipzig match. In this summer term 2024, Football, Volleyball as well as Track and Field were the sports specialisations in which the young coaches received further education by ITK. As multipliers back home, the coaches and physical education teachers are expected to apply and convey the knowledge they have acquired.
Brian, who used to play for the Ugandan national team and has obtained a degree in economics, is grateful for the time he was allowed to spend at Leipzig University. "It's a privilege to have been part of such a demanding course," explains the 35-year-old. He is an assistant coach at an U17 club in Uganda. He is convinced that Germany is one of the leading Football nations in the world. To him it has been very interesting to see how Football works here – and in particular while the European Cup in Football is taking place in his host country. When flying back home, Brian will not only carry many new impressions and new knowledge, but also a few souvenirs for his girlfriend and his three children at home.
Keeping the fingers crosses: The next sporting highlight – the Olympics – is upcoming
Yamuna, Brian und Mariana are already looking forward to the next sporting highlight of the year - the Olympic Games from 26 July to 11 August in Paris. All three intend to watch the competitions on TV. Mariana, who will still travel a bit around Europe and will visit friends in Paris, is even trying to get hold of a ticket and watch the Olympics live. Mariana is particularly excited about the Swimming and Artistic gymnastics competitions. Brazil has a great tradition in these disciplines. In Table tennis, she is keeping her fingers crossed for Hugo Calderano. "He's one of the top five in the world. The Chinese players are usually the best in Table Tennis. But maybe he'll win the silver medal,” Mariana hopes.
Brian has a high opinion of his country's 10,000 metre runners. He predicts an Olympic head-to-head race between the long-distance aces from Kenya, Uganda and Ethiopia and is of course keeping his fingers crossed for the Ugandan runners. Yamuna also wants to watch the Olympic competitions with her Football kids. "We want them to see that there is something beyond Football," she says. Who does particularly impress her? The 800-metre runner Tharushi Karunarathna. Yamuna is saddened by the fact that the Sri Lankan government has little interest in sports, which is why it is hardly promoted. The more important it is to her to get involved herself. As she is an active footballer, Yamuna is keen on establishing her own university Football team.
The International Coaching Course (ITK) has been funded by the Federal Foreign Ministry since 1991, in addition the Saxon State Ministry of Science, Cultural Affairs and Tourism has been funding ITK since 2021. Still, the history of ITK traces back to 1964. Since that time, way more than 5500 coaches from 150 have participated in ITK courses.
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